The Birding Club of Delaware County (BCDC) in southeastern Pennsylvania is dedicated to appreciating and protecting wild birds in our region. For more than 25 years, BCDC has engaged in birding, conservation, and community. We come together to enjoy field trips, learn from program speakers, and discover and document the amazing avian diversity of Delaware County, PA and beyond.
BCDC activities include the Common Nighthawk Watch, Rose Tree Park Hawkwatch, Glenolden Christmas Bird Count, bluebird nestbox monitoring, and more.
We support community science, conservation, and engaging the next generation in enjoyable, ethical birding. We welcome ALL birders to connect and get involved, regardless of experience, background, or identity.
BCDC is a vibrant local resource for birds and birders, and we support other organizations that advance avian interests and conservation. We are an all-volunteer organization with no paid staff. Our activities are free and open to all. We welcome member support if you are financially able to do so.
We invite you to join BCDC in the field, online, or in spirit – we look forward to connecting!
Special notice: BCDC and the birding community at large lost our good friend Tom Reeves, 93, on December 24, 2024.
A lifelong birder, Tom was a friend, teacher, mentor and inspiration to countless people in the birding community. Ever-upbeat and welcoming to new birders, Tom was “my first bird walk leader” to many of us. Tom began volunteering as a guide at Tyler Arboretum, Media, in 1980 and led weekly bird walks there for more than 35 years. His enthusiasm, knowledge and kindness earned him a large and devoted following on those walks. Even after he stopped serving as a leader he continued to participate in the weekly bird walks whenever he could. Tom was also a longtime volunteer bird walk leader at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge, board member of Valley Forge Audubon Society, and leader for numerous Christmas Bird Counts and surveys. Tom was not only a birder, but a highly knowledgeable naturalist. He generously shared about birds, plants, trees, and all things in nature, always with a smile and good humor. Tom’s impact and legacy are great, and he’ll be much missed.
BCDC joins Tom’s family, friends from Tyler Arboretum, and the birding community in honoring Tom Reeves through a memorial at Tyler Arboretum. We are collecting donations for this purpose and greatly appreciate all contributions. To contribute to the Tom Reeves memorial, send a check payable to the Birding Club of Delaware County, c/o John D’Amico, 1841 Kimberwick Road, Media, PA 19063, or send via Venmo @BCdelco. Please indicate “Tom Reeves memorial” in comments.
Photo below of Tom Reeves (center, with ballcap) leading a bird walk at Tyler Arboretum, 2008, by Sarah Boucas-Neto

In 1999, the Birding Club of Delaware County (BCDC) published Birds of Delaware County Pennsylvania by Nick Pulcinella, with illustrations, maps and design by Jim Lockyear. The reference was, at that time, a comprehensive guide to avian activity in the county, including: birding locations with descriptions and maps, and a listing of all 317 recorded bird species in Delaware County with occurrence dates and frequency charts.
That publication is no longer in print, but Nick Pulcinella recently completed Additions to the Birds of Delaware County detailing 31 additional species documented since then. The current Delaware County Bird List as of June 2024 stands at 346 species.
We extend gratitude and appreciation to Nick Pulcinella for compiling this valuable information about birdlife of Delaware County. We look forward to future updates reflecting efforts of the vibrant birding community.